7 Content Trends Agencies Need To Know In 2023

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) are becoming more and more popular in the marketing and advertising industry as a way to give audiences the feeling of being part of a brand's story, and to create truly memorable experiences. In 2023, agencies need to be prepared to incorporate VR and AR into their content strategies, or risk being left behind.

One great a used VR and AR to great effect is IKEA. The furniture giant created a VR app that allows customers to see how their products would look in their own homes before they commit to a purchase. Not only does this help customers make more informed decisions, it also creates a much more personalized and immersive shopping experience.

AR also has a place in social media. Instagram and Snapchat have both recently added AR filters to their platforms, which allow users to add virtual elements to their photos and videos. This is a great way for brands to engage with their audiences in an interactive and fun way.

In 2023, agencies need to start exploring the potential of VR and AR and think they can use them to create truly immersive and engaging experiences for their audiences.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is an extremely powerful tool for brands that want to reach a specific audience and increase their brand awareness. In 2023, influencer marketing will continue to be a vital part of any content strategy.

One of the best examples of a brand that has used influencer marketing to its advantage is Glossier. The skincare and makeup company has worked with influencers from all different backgrounds, who align with their brand values and target audience. This has enabled Glossier to spread its reach further, and increase its brand awareness.

Micro-influencers are also an increasingly popular tool. These are individuals with a smaller, more and can be a great way for brands to target specific demographics.

In 2023, agencies need to think about how they can use influencer marketing to reach their target audience, and increase brand awareness. By finding the right influencers and building relationships with them, agencies can create campaigns that are both authentic and impactful, and reach a wider audience.

Authentic Storytelling

Authentic storytelling is becoming increasingly important in the content marketing industry. In 2023, agencies need to focus on creating authentic and relatable content that resonates with their target audience.

One example of a brand that has used authentic storytelling is Patagonia. The outdoor clothing company has a strong commitment to sustainability and environmentalism, and its content reflects this. By sharing stories about its commitment to the environment and the its products, Patagonia has been able to connect with its target audience and build a loyal customer base.

Another example is the use of customer-generated content. By encouraging customers to share their own stories and experiences with a brand, companies can create authentic and relatable content that resonates with their target audience.

In 2023, agencies need to focus on creating authentic and relatable content that resonates with their target audience. By sharing stories that align with values and connecting with their customers, agencies can create content that creates a deeper connection with their audience.

Interactive Content

Interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, and interactive infographics, has become a popular way to engage audiences and increase their engagement with a brand. In 2023, agencies need to think about how they can use interactive content to engage their audience and increase their engagement with a brand.

One example of a brand that has successfully used interactive content is Buzzfeed. The media company has created a variety of quizzes and polls that have gone viral and have been shared widely on social media. By creating interactive content that is fun and engaging, Buzzfeed has been able to increase its reach and engagement with their audience.

Another example is the use of interactive infographics. By creating infographics that are interactive and allow users to explore data and information in a more engaging way, brands can increase their audience engagement and make their content more memorable.

In 2023, agencies need to think about how they can use interactive content to engage their audience and increase their engagement with a brand. fun and engaging content, agencies can increase their reach and create more memorable experiences for their audience.


Personalization is becoming increasingly important in the content marketing industry. In 2023, agencies need to focus on creating personalized content that resonates with their target audience.

One example of a brand that has successfully used personalization is Amazon. The online retail giant uses data and algorithms to personalize the shopping experience for their customers. By recommending products based on their browsing and purchase history, Amazon has been able to create a more personalized experience for their customers.

Another example is the use of personalized email marketing campaigns. By sending targeted and personalized emails to their customers, brands can increase their engagement and conversions.

In 2023, agencies need to think about how they can use personalization to create more relevant and effective content for their audience. By and algorithms to personalize the content, agencies can create more meaningful experiences for their audience and increase their engagement.

Video Content

Video content has become a key trend in the content marketing industry. In 2023, agencies need to focus on creating high-quality video content that resonates with their target audience.

One example of a brand that has successfully used video content is Dollar Shave Club. The company's viral video "Our Blades Are F***ing Great" helped launch the brand and generate a huge amount of buzz. By creating a high-quality and humorous video, Dollar Shave Club was able to increase its reach and engagement with its audience.

Another example is the use of live video. Platforms like Facebook Live and Instagram Live allow brands to connect audience in real time, creating a more engaging and authentic experience.

In 2023, agencies need to think about how they can use video content to connect with their audience and increase their engagement. By creating high-quality video content that aligns with their brand values and resonates with their target audience, agencies can increase their reach and engagement with their audience.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimization is becoming increasingly important in the content marketing industry. In 2023, agencies need to focus on optimizing their content for voice search to stay ahead of the curve.

One example of a brand that has successfully optimized its content for voice search is Google. The search giant has created a variety of tools and resources to help businesses optimize their content for voice search, including Google My Business and the Google Search Console.

Another example is the use of long-tail keywords. By optimizing their content for long-tail keywords, brands can increase their chances of appearing in voice search results.

In 2023, agencies need to think about how they can optimize their content for voice search. By using tools and resources like Google My Business and the Google Search Console, and by optimizing their content for long-tail keywords, agencies can increase their chances of appearing in voice search results and stay ahead of the curve. 

The DAO Marketer

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