Modern Trends In The Travel Industry

Tourism is a fast-paced industry with rapid developments and trends. 

Keep reading and learn about how the travel industry has been affected in 2020 and what would be the next travel trends for the upcoming months. 

At the beginning of 2020, everyone who loves travelling and exploring new places has already made numerous plans for how they will spend this year. People were looking forward to their spring and summer holiday destinations, however, the Coronavirus pandemic quickly changed the way we live.

It was approximately 3 months ago when things started drastically changing. From people being in complete lockdown at home to countries entirely closing their international borders, the travel industry was affected more than anyone would have thought at the beginning of the year.

As we have been moving to the new norm of working from home, always wearing masks when outside, not being able to dine in our favourite restaurants and so on, a lot of us have still been keeping some hope that things can go back to the way they used to be and we can all start travelling again.

What the current situation and the last updates from 1st July 2020 have proven, though, is that we are very far from going back to making lots of plans for travelling this summer and autumn. There are still ways how we can travel in a responsible way, while socially distancing away from others. Travelling is not encouraging right now, especially in some particular countries, however, there are some trends that we will be seeing in the next couple of months or even years. So, make sure that you read them and get ready for what is coming!

Domestic Travel

Numerous reasons lead to the belief that domestic travel will be one of the main travel trends in the near future. First of all, many countries are still not allowing foreign nationals to enter the countries' boundaries. For example, just a few days ago, the European Union announced that while it is reopening its borders to some particular foreign nations, Americans are completely banned from engaging in nonessential travels to Europe.

The second reason, why people would avoid travelling abroad is the compulsory 14-day quarantine that is part of the border health services regulations for various countries. No one would like to book a two-week holiday vacation, which they would need to spend quarantined.

Instead, people can travel within the territory of their own countries and organize a great domestic holiday for their families. In the next few months and years, we will see, people willing to travel by car instead of boarding a plane. Visiting a neighbouring town for the weekend or planning a quick getaway to the nearest state or country might be the way to go forward.

Road Trips

As people would be more willing to travel just domestically, they would plan road trips so they can explore from the comfort and safety of their own car. Avoiding travelling by plane is a great idea, as you would also minimize your contact with other people. Instead of sitting next to someone they do not know on a 2-hour flight, people would prefer to hit the road with their car and explore all these small hidden gems along the way.

Tourism and Travel Eco Friendly

Eco-tourism has been increasingly popular as more travellers become aware of how their carbon footprint affects the environment. Combined with the current ongoing coronavirus pandemic, people are more likely to choose off-the-beaten paths with a lower number of visitors.

Eco-tourism means travelling to a relatively untouched environment with the intention to give something back to the society which you visit. This type of travel gives visitors an insight into the effect humans can have on the environment and for travellers to appreciate the planet more.

The idea behind Eco-tourism is for all of us to be more sustainable travellers and consider our negative impact on the places that we visit. After the World was hit by a massive virus outbreak, everyone has been spending more time realizing how we can be more responsible and preserve the natural wonders that our planet has. So why not organize some Eco-friendly trips?


In the last few years, various places around the world have been so easily accessible that we could just get on a plane and get to the other side of the planet in just a few hours. Everyone was thinking about getting on this dream vacation far away from home, so no one has really talked about a staycation.

After the beginning of 2020, though, stay-cation might be one of the brand-new trends in the tourism industry. Being on stay-cation means spending a vacation in your own home or going on some short-day trips around your town. In the past, while we have been busy travelling abroad and seeing new places and cultures, we would rarely explore what is in our backyard. People now are more willing to play a tourist in their own towns by visiting the local attractions. You can choose between booking an art session or a spa day, or even just camping in your own backyard. The options with stay-cations are endless!

Accommodation and travel flexibility

Even though travelling for nonessential reasons is not encouraged right now, if you have still decided to travel, we strongly recommend going flexible. We see changes in how the Coronavirus pandemic is spreading every day. Unfortunately, the future of the travel industry is extremely unpredictable and the best way to go forward is to wait for a bit longer before we make any big plans. Why don't you save some money in the meantime for your dream destination instead? This might be the best idea for now. We will not be in this situation forever and things will go back to normal, however, it can certainly take some time. Be creative and use your time in the best possible way. Whatever you decide to do we encourage you to be responsible and stay safe!

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